PCOD and PCOS are commonly diagnosed in most cases and they occur mostly in young women. PCOS is the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which is an endocrine disorder that affects 05-10% of women. An irregular menstrual cycle is the most important symptom that is usually diagnosis for POS. obesity and many other symptoms are closely related to those factors. These symptoms are also called Polycystic Ovarian Disease which causes at a young age and may lead to several diseases. PCOS is the hormonal imbalance in women that occurs during their childbearing years of 15 to 47. Women with PCOD produce more male hormones than necessary and this throws their system off balance, delaying periods and making it difficult for them to conceive. PCOS can also lead to diabetes and weight gain. Our Lakshya Hospital of PCOD and PCOS Treatment in Chennai provides many treatments in order to cure the disease. We give various treatments for PCOD such as medical treatment such as desiring pregnancy and non-desiring pregnancy.
The surgical management treatment is here to give the best treatment of PCOD. The loss or over the gain of weight involves the symptoms of PCOD. Heavy bleeding, excessive hair growth on the face or in the body, obesity, acne, and darkness of the skin in the body that creases like behind the neck, in the groin, and under the breasts are some of the symptoms of PCOD. Our Fertility Center treats the best for PCOD and PCOS Treatment in Tambaram by offering the right solutions for all your problems. We provide the meditation, yoga, scheduling the diet chart, and even assisting them the guide to our patients in the right way of the diet which includes healthy and leafy vegetables, fruits, and many other foods to intake for their PCOD to get heal-down within some weeks. Having those symptoms in the long term, may affect the body and leads to Endometrial Hyperplasia, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, and much more. In most cases, PCOD can lead to Infertility. Thus women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly, which means their ovaries do not produce mature eggs for fertilization. Metabolic Syndrome occurs in obese women with PCOS and it is the cluster of conditions that increase blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and causes risk in cardiovascular disease. We provide special treatment our treatment options include taking birth control and ensure the uterine lining regularly. A Pelvic Ultrasound reveals the presence of cyst to PCOS and our doctors take more efforts to control the hormonal levels in the body. Anti-androgen pills will reduce hair growth on the face and body also reduces balding. Losing weight is the best solution for solving PCOD and helps hormones at normal levels. Thus we make firm in curing and solving your infertility ability to grow with more capacity and healthier. Our Fertility Center in Chrompet most specialist doctors are here to help you and assist you in planning your conceptions also in taking the medicines.