Nowadays most couples possess a strong desire to conceive a child, 85% of couples are here to conceive the child, but some more couples prefer their best in conceiving a child and it may take two to three years but almost there are rare couples who have the issues in conceiving the child. Since the reason behind having the inability to conceive a child is Infertility. The causes of infertility are numerous and complex. This may due to either male or female fertility factors. In help the patients to resolve the inabilities of fertility, we the best Fertility Center in Chennai having many specialist and expert doctors to cure their infertility. Infertility is a growing health concern that has been in conversation for a long time. Since this has been become a lifestyle disease in India, with several couples seeking medical assistance to conceive. An increasing number of couples are suffering from infertility and other related conditions that are believed to be confined only to women.
To break the infertility disorder to the couples our hospitals use advanced techniques such as cytoplasmic transfer and also microscopic testicular mapping for Azoospermia. In which the cytoplasmic transfer the repeatedly IVF Cryopreservation failure in women. This Cytoplasmic transfer is the donation of healthy cytoplasm from the fertile donor to the patient’s egg. The intricate techniques are the most beneficial treatment for older patients who lost the ability to function the fertility and recurrent implantation failure. Azoospermia is the condition where there is no sperm even after the pellet preparation. The technique of ARP Assisted Reproductive technology is used to have the ability to fertile the sperms. The main advantage of the trauma is to test the testis to minimize the disorder and incisions make small. With our advanced techniques, we may able to map the testis more extensively and thus increasing the chance of finding these focal areas of sperm production. Advanced treatments for infertility couples such as intrauterine insemination, In-vitro Fertilization, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, and many more techniques depend upon the seriousness of infertility.
This intrauterine insemination involves the use of washed and concentrated sperms cells are transferred into the uterine cavity which increases the chances of fertilization. This treatment does not rely on the ability of the sperm to move and attach itself to the egg and hence is highly beneficial for couples who face male and female infertility issues. Our techniques include assisted hatching, Vitrification, Reproductive Genetics, including the factors such as Hormonal Changes which influences ovulation, endometrial and embryo implantation, tubal factor, and uterine factors for the couples.
We possess treatment for both the couples based on the lab report and then suggest changing their lifestyle factors, medications, sperm retrieval techniques thus increasing the testicular function including sperm production and quality. Even suggest our patients have surgery to restore fertility or to stimulate ovulation with fertility drugs. With high effective, inert density doctors are here to have you the great solution for all your problems and make you happy ever with your generation foundation. Our treatment will definitely make your fertility strong with mobility and the ability to have the capacity with excellent success. Our Fertility Center in Tambaram and Chrompet switches your dark life to the bright and happiest life ever.